Tuesday, August 14, 2012

On the Dark Side

How do you know which is a good B-School and which is not?
Do you look at placements?
Look again!
Do you think of packages, curriculum, infrastructure, faculty or crowd? Think again!!
Let me tell you! You know you're at a good B-School when the dark circles around your eyes are bigger than your eyes!!
You know your R.O.I. is good when within a week of being on campus the "freshers" are transformed into not so fresh, zombies on hyperdrive.
Perpetually hopped up on caffeine and erratic sleep cycles characterizes the typical management student's life.
Microsoft Office will be your best friend! PowerPoint becomes second nature by the end of two years.
You hear about the stress of corporate life. Personally, I think it's post traumatic stress from the B-School days!
Subjects and course papers are just part of the juggling act, real management skills are picked up outside the classroom! While waiting in line at the bathroom;
Convincing, cajoling, coercing.. picked up in the line at the mess and during intense discussions in the hostel.
You don't need to join an organisation to experience competitors! You live it, breathe it, fight it, beat it (or not) for two years!
You'll find many students who don't know their room numbers even at the end of the year!
Why, you ask?
Well.. they've never been there!
You must've seen people weep at their farewells! Weep and hug and laugh and cry all over again?
Yeah.. the prospect of sleep after two years can do that to a person!!
Do i not sound jazzed about this experience? Am i not selling it to you right? (I swear I learnt all the sales tricks in the book!! Mother promise!)
Trust me! It is an experience like no other!
I am living the dream! If your dream is to achieve the Edward Cullen look too, then bell the cat! ;)
I did.. and now I'm living it and loving it! :)